French Cuisine: Words and Phrases Every Foodie Should Know

French Cuisine: Words and Phrases Every Foodie Should Know

Did you know that food can be recognized as a World Heritage?

And do you know where the Michelin Guide originated?

The answer lies in France, one of Europe's leading agricultural nations.

The north of France is dominated by animal husbandry, producing a variety of creams and cheeses, while the south is abundant in olives, seafood, garlic, fruits, vegetables, and spices.

For the French, eating is a pleasure. French cuisine emphasizes locally sourced ingredients, combined with the chef's unique culinary skills. It offers a sensory experience, from sight, smell, and taste, to touch, presenting exquisite gastronomic delights. Let us now delve deeper into the signature dishes of French cuisine...

French Cuisine

**BURGUNDY Region**

Known for its red and white wines, Burgundy is one of France's richest grape-producing areas with a plethora of wineries that avoid industrialized collection. Of course, wine in France is not just for drinking but also for cooking!

The dish **Boeuf Bourguignon**, commonly known to us as beef stewed in red wine, is made by slow-cooking beef in red wine with ingredients like carrots, onions, and mushrooms.



Located in the southwest of France, it's one of the renowned regions for foie gras, fatty goose, and duck liver.

This has given rise to the classic dish **Confit de Canard**, or duck confit. Prepared using a centuries-old slow-cooking preservation method, it's marinated with salt, garlic, and thyme for thirty-six hours, then cooked at a low temperature in duck fat. It's often paired with potatoes and garlic.


**Les Cévennes Mountain Range**

Famous for its Cévennes sweet onions, it's Europe's first onion to achieve a designation of origin.

The dish, **Soupe à l’oignon**, or onion soup, is made from these onions and beef broth. Typically topped with bread and melted cheese, the history of this soup can be traced back to ancient Rome. The onions are caramelized to enhance their richness before they're simmered in beef broth. Some variations also include a splash of brandy or sherry.



A region rich in quality citrus, vegetables, fruits, and herbs, with lavender being its most famous produce. Many dishes in this region utilize lavender. Remember the dish in the movie Ratatouille that moved the food critic?

That's **Ratatouille**, a Provencal stewed vegetable dish. The fundamental method of this dish involves frying the vegetables in a bit of fat before they are roasted.


When dining in a restaurant, you can say:

"Je voudrais commander..." - I would like to order...

"Pouvez-vous recommander un plat?" - Can you recommend a dish?

"Quels sont les ingrédients de ce plat?" - What are the ingredients in this dish?

"Je suis allergique aux noix." - I am allergic to nuts.

"Pourrais-je avoir le menu, s'il vous plaît?" - Could I have the menu, please?

"Quelle est la spécialité de la maison?" - What's the house specialty?

"Je voudrais un verre de vin rouge/blanc." - I would like a glass of red/white wine.

"Est-ce que ce plat est épicé?" - Is this dish spicy?

"Je voudrais un dessert." - I'd like a dessert.

"L'addition, s'il vous plaît." - The check, please.

"Ce plat était délicieux!" - This dish was delicious!

"Pouvez-vous emballer les restes?" - Can you pack the leftovers?

"Je voudrais une table pour deux, s'il vous plaît." - I would like a table for two, please.

"Avez-vous des options végétariennes?" - Do you have vegetarian options?

"Je voudrais plus d'eau, s'il vous plaît." - I would like more water, please.

“Bon appétit!” – Enjoy your meal